Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Implementing MFC CTime using CFDate

In the early stages of Cello I stubbed out the MFC CTime class with little more than a constructor in order to get it to compile. Working my way through the link errors this is something that I needed to flesh out.

My basic plan with implementing these MFC classes is to keep the API but to build them on top of Core Foundation objects. Core Foundation can quite ubiquitously be expressed as NS (Objective C) objects (they are toll-free bridged) which will pay dividends when I start working in cocoa for the UI. Also, and importantly, it is all done, it works and just requires hooking up.

I implemented the CTime class as a wrapper for a CFDateRef managed by a boost intrusive_pointer. Give or take a thin wipe of code and a modest set of Unit Tests that was it.

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