Tuesday, June 24, 2008

DIB to CGImage - the washing up

I changed the plans and in the end kept the class that manage the DIBs almost unchanged. The DIB class, within Cello, represents a bitmap with a physical bit-image. Give or take the fact that it can handle native compressed bit-images it handles the concept that an image is a bunch of bits and possibly a color table. A CGImage is very similar except that you can't get to the bit-image. You can make a CGImage where you can get to the bits if wrap the the bit image in a CFDataProvider. So the natural thing seemed to keep the DIB class more or less as it was but to provide a way off creating one from a CGImage.

The key change that I have made to the DIB class is to change the way that pixels are stored; I have moved from using a raw pointer for the pixels to boost::shared_array. The boost::shared_array is an array with an owner count - and it means that it is possible to deal with joint ownership. The point being that data provider needs to have ownership of the data it is providing (the pixels) as does the DIB class.

The other part of the equation is the colour palette its self. A colour palette is a list of colours - little more. In Cello there is a class that represents this list of colours as a list of RGBQUAD from which it can create the HPALETTE etc required for MFC bitmaps. I have changed the colour palette class so that it is now a thin wrapper around a CGColorSpace. You can still access a representation of it as a list of RGBQUAD - this is required for other things in Cello such as the ditherer. Changing this code and writing the attendant unit test was quite straight forward. I use boost::intrusive_ptr to manage the CFColorSpaceRef, and boost::shared_array to manage representation (cache) of RGBQUAD. In retrospect I think it would have been better not to have made this change and instead to have just provided a way of converting into a CGColorSpace. It would have been a smaller change.

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