Saturday, May 10, 2008

Boost - Standing on Giants' Shoulders

I have just downloaded the latest release of Boost and checked it into the CVS repository for the Cello project. Boost starts where STL leaves off - and allows you, as a programmer, to stand on the shoulders of giants.

Boost is huge - checking it in manually once took a friend of mine the best part of a day (CVS won't let you check in recursively). I was fortunate to find the following commands that will recursively add to CVS under OSX in Torsten Curdt's blog.
find . -type d -print | grep -v CVS | xargs -n1 cvs add
find . -type f -print | grep -v CVS | xargs -n1 cvs add
The first command adds the folders from the current directory - the second one adds the files. The standing on Torsten Curdt's shoulders saved a huge amount of time.

The other thing you can do is to just deploy the parts of boost you are using Alex Ott's blog details this.

The MFC version of Cello does not use Boost (the code is reasonably old) - I decided to add it to the project as I need to have some objects that are managed with owner counts and shared_ptr is ready rolled and works well.

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