Sunday, October 5, 2008

Managing TextBreakLocatorRef using Boost

Since the birth of OSX new data types are based on Core Foundation. Core Foundation provides an owner-counted management of objects which allows for quite a natural, as well as simple, memory management. In C++ these are easily managed by boost intrusive_ptr (more details of which were posted here)

My initial take on TextBreakLocatorRef was that it predated Core Foundation and as I wanted to be able to manage these pointers using smart pointers I looked into how I might do this using boost and shared_ptr.

shared_ptr provides an owner counted reference to an object. The smart pointer is more complex than a simple pointer and manages an owner count. It is an very easy and reliable way to provide smart pointers to objects. The templated constructor of the shared_pointer permits the specification of a custom dispose (a custom deallocator). A reference to this deallocator is maintained by the smart pointer it's self.

So using shared_ptr you could manage TextBreakLocatorRef like this:
The only funny being that you would need to define opaquetextbreaklocatorref so that boost will consume it.

However investigating the issue further it seems that TextBreakLocator is managed by core foundation under 10.5. NSLog lists the locator as follows:
Consistency is always a good thing so I will use boost intrusive_ptr as I have done elsewere in Cello.

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